Business Continuity

Business Continuity

Continuity is a key factor to how a business succeeds.

B Suite focuses on being the backbone to your business in times of need. With our Business Continuity Planning, we not only develop a plan for disasters, we take key factors into consideration when doing so. Some of these include processes, procedures, human resources, business partners, maximum uptime, and many more.

Within our business continuity planning, we cover the following plus more:​

We never know what to expect and we must be able to perform when circumstances are less-than-ideal.

We live in a world where errors happen daily. As a business, you are expected to be operational even when your company falls prey to human error, software or hardware malfunctions, or the many things that can go wrong in a business. We never know when it will happen, but it almost always does happen. We can sit back and hope for the best, but businesses need to be prepared for the worst.

Oftentimes, we hear that companies are not in need of a continuity plan. Most companies do not consider this until it is too late. The reality is your company CANNOT afford to be without one. You have clients depending on you. Can a hospital be down? What happens when an investor has no access to his or her data because of your company’s shortcoming? Ensure that your company has a plan and is conducting regular testing with your security provider.

How B Suite Does Business Continuity:

In this analysis, we will take into consideration all components of your business and determine the estimated impact of such a disaster.

What programs are vital to the well-being of your business? What should the priority rank look like when and if a disaster occurs.
What is the solution that allows your business to experience little to no down time in a crisis? Noting how the current infrastructure is designed allows us to replicate in a time of need. Ability to replicate is key and we make sure your business infrastructure is well-documented.
How long will it take to get everything to a state of normalcy in the event of a disaster? We create a comprehensive plan that will be time-specific.

You will only know how good your plan really is when you put it in action. Annual testing is key and can be accomplished in many way from table top to full interruption.

Prevention is the best coat of armor when it comes to cyber security threats and attacks. Monitoring in real time allows us to be proactive to avoid having to be reactive.

Services as you need them

Contact us today to learn more about our process and protect your business.

Managed Security Services allow you to stay focused on your business instead of worrying about hackers.

how can we help you?

Every Business needs to have a plan B and that plan should not be to close your doors! Be prepared when a disaster strikes!

Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.

Henry David Thoreau

Let us elevate your business’ cyber security & keep your assets safe.